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Tuesday 4 April 2017

http:///2017/04/04/atozchallenge-2017-c- Compassion

Best Lesson. Vcl2016

Compassion   Vcl2017

On reflection
Sometimes things 
Get broken
And you just can't
Fix it

You just can't 
Kiss it 
Make it better
It just won't move
Or improve.

It gets caught
In a groove
And you've wiggled
And waggled
Without success

But stepping back
Learned to live
Without something 
And You did not die.

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: #AtoZChallenge - 4-3-2017 - Letter B

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge: #AtoZChallenge - 4-3-2017 - Letter B
Like a Tree   vcl2014
Beneath this tree I stand
Rooted by circumstance
In the here and now.
I write of frivolous things
The sun and sea,
The warm kisses of children
Love gained and lost
Sometimes a prisoner
Longing to escape
The forest of discontent
But now envisioning a state
Of peaceful happiness
With the seedlings planted
Around me, words
Forming deep roots of their own
Growing gracefully
To hide and protect me
                                                                When my days are done.

Sunday 2 April 2017

A~ Acrid. #atozchallenge 2017

Sometimes life is filled
With the acrid smell of burnt toast dreams
Unpalatable to most
Yet occasionally there is one 
Who will take a knife
Scraping away the blackened ugliness 
 Salvaging that bit of goodness 
Others miss.  

Photo Wendy Letkeman Hallex

A to Z Challenge 2017

Monday 28 December 2015

Christmas ~ It makes Us Feel.

Christmas ~ It makes us feel.
We wail and gnash our teeth
Or stoically keep a stiff upper lip
We wrap our gifts
Trim the tree, rearrange the Nativity...
And in the ritual, hope
To pass along the memories
To those who listen
Perhaps our children
Paying tribute to those we miss
Playing down the agonies
Elevating the bliss
A seasonal thaw, as if walking on stones
On the winter river
Frozen in place but beauteous ever
We find ourselves transfixed in this space
We've set aside for lost warm embrace.
And we hold it tight
For it is all we have
This celebration of lives lived and loved
And consoling ourselves that we are present
With our presence, the best present,
Not a memory erased, hoping to return
At the end of the glittery year that awaits.

Monday 16 November 2015

Time. Always in a hurry.

Time is always in a hurry
Taking me where I do not want to go.
To the end of the road.
Pulling with all its might
Ignoring all my kicking
And screaming as it thunders
Down the road of life
Wild horses galloping.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

August 26 2013

I needed to see lovely today
I caught occasional glimpses
Nothing concrete
Until driving home in the darkness,
The beams of the headlights gleaming
I saw bunnies dancing.

Drawing: Let Go by Nakisha

Thursday 18 July 2013

July 19 2013 A World without Color

If the World boasted no color, just various shades of grey
No azure blue of the ocean, or bluffs of swirly red clay
If houses would be crafted in grey stone, and the sun never did shine,
At least not in the mauve, pinkish hues, we watch for at sunset time.
Then, would the World be draped in sadness? Would M&Ms lose their thrill?
Would hatred have a foothold? Or would we all live in Pleasantville.

For it causes me now to wonder, as I ponder a World more sublime
That without any green for envy, or blue for sadness inside
There would be no people of color, white, black, yellow or brown.
With no red to color them angry, no yellow to help oppressors keep down.
Or would nothing be different, is this World as good as it gets?
No rainbows, no yellow brick road, no rose red, no regrets.

So I am mindful to live in the moment, regardless how drab my day
I can refuse to live in that colorless World, and choose to stand up and say
I see color as a philocalic expression, of oneness, escape from mundane
A celebration of life in grand union, all dressed in Techno display
So I challenge all those on the grey side, loose the chains , don’t delay
Or mechanically measure grey tones from birth to judgment day.